The Language of Eating Disorders: Are you helping or harming? (part 2) November 21, 2020 14:52
Posted By IADMS Newsletter; Author: Dawn Smith-Theodore
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Updated: Wednesday, October 14, 2020
IADMS International Association for Dance Medicine & Science
Martha Graham said “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” I believe that dance is a conversation between body and soul. Most dancers can execute the moves, but it is the expression of the emotions through the body that is so important.
A dancer must step out of the comfort of technique to achieve humanness, which is what will allow the audience to connect with the dancer. Most members of the audience do not know about technique, but they want to understand the story a dancer is telling with their body. After all, the body is the instrument of the dancer, which expresses the language of the soul. Being a dancer is something very special so you must feel the... [Read More]
Recovery Bites - Episode 24: Tutu Thin & Dancing Around the Issues with Dawn Smith-Theodore, LMFT October 4, 2020 19:40
by Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS
In this episode, I am joined by Dawn Smith-Theodore, LMFT a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and addictions. Dawn has a private practice in Agoura Hills and Westwood, CA, and she was the Director of Day Treatment Services for Monte Nido and Affiliates. She was the owner of “Carousel” a transitional living home for women with eating disorders and chemical dependency, with her colleague, Terry Eagan, MD. Dawn is also a former professional dancer and owned her own dance studio for 25 years. She is the author of the book, Tutu Thin: A Guide to Dancing Without an Eating Disorder.
Listen to Recovery Bites Episode 24 Here
The Reality of Eating Disorders in the Dance World July 29, 2020 17:27
Posted by Kirsten Kong on July 17, 2020
Taken from:
The Terrier
HONG KONG – Dawn Theodore, a former professional dancer from Los Angeles, was 15 when she started to eat less and less.
“When I began comparing myself to others…the mirror became my enemy,” she said in a previous interview with Pointe Magazine. “The drill sergeant in my head…never stopped proclaiming that I wasn’t good enough.”
She developed anorexia, an eating disorder where people restrict food intake, consume laxatives, and induce vomiting. Those who suffer from the disorder often have a distorted perception of their body, overly focusing on their body weight, said Theodore, now a psychotherapist... [READ FULL ARTICLE HERE]
Weighing In on Eating Disorder Issues December 16, 2019 13:34
Taken from:
The Eating Disorder Journal
(December 2019, Vol. 20, No.12)
The Eating Disorder Trap: Dancers and the Illusion of Perfectionism by Dawn Theodore. I grew up in front of a mirror and as a dancer it was my best friend and my worst enemy. When I began comparing myself to others and listening to the drill sergeant in my head that never stopped proclaiming that needed to lose weight, then the mirror became my enemy. When I was 15 and my body started developing, I thought losing a few pounds would help me jump higher and look better in my leotard. Yet the less I ate, the louder my inner drill sergeant barked... [READ FULL ARTICLE HERE]
Dawn Speaks at IADMS 2019 Montreal November 3, 2019 08:14
Dancers and Eating Disorders – Warning Signs and Helpful Resources by Dawn Smith-Theodore July 10, 2019 11:25

When you suffer from an eating disorder, you live with the mantra, never enough. Whether it’s the number on the scale that could always be lower, or feeling as though you can never get enough food when binging, or when you believe you can never exercise enough, this concept remains a familiar thread in the life of someone who suffers from an eating disorder.
There is always someone better standing next to you in the mirror—someone with a better physique or a higher extension or more perfect feet. The critical mind works overtime, and can inhibit dancers from being able to perform their best at auditions and even in class. Not all dancers develop eating disorders, but research shows that they are 20 times more likely to than the general population... [READ MORE]
The Whole Dancer Interview with Dawn Smith-Theodore March 19, 2019 09:46
Jess Spinner (JS): What’s your background in dance?
Dawn Smith-Theodore (DS-T) :
My mom had a dancing school in Ohio so I danced before I was born. I moved to New York and danced for Henry Letang who at the time was doing a bunch of Broadway shows. And then I ended up going to Japan and performing at The Mikado Theater, I’ve danced at Carnegie Hall, and at the Sydney Olympics. After dancing professionally I opened my dance school in Los Angeles and ran it for 25 years. I still do a master class series around.... [READ FULL ARTICLE HERE]
The Perfect Storm / Pointe Magazine July 24, 2018 15:03
Dawn Smith-Theodore, a former professional dancer, is a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. She is also an anorexia-nervosa survivor. Here she explains how under the right circumstances, a dancer's perfectionism and ballet's culture of thinness can create a risky recipe for an eating disorder.
I grew up in front of a mirror and as a dancer it was my best friend and my worst enemy. I loved to watch myself to make sure that I had the right style, lines and technique. It was when I began comparing myself to others, and listening to the drill sergeant in my head that never stopped proclaiming that I wasn't good enough and needed to lose weight, that the... [Read More]
#NEDACHAT Eating Disorders and Body Image in the Dance Community August 2, 2017 05:56

Is there really such a thing as too thin? August 2, 2017 05:50

DANCE HEALTH: How to prevent the thinking and behavior that leads to an eating disorder. August 2, 2017 05:49

FEATURE ARTICLE: Is it safe to create a dance social media profile? August 2, 2017 05:48

The Gina Pero Show - Living Life Full Out: Dawn Smith-Theodore August 2, 2017 05:46

Dawn Smith-Theodore: Helping those with Eating Disorders August 2, 2017 05:38

Tutu Thin in Pointe Magazine - New Dance Resource August 2, 2017 05:34

GUEST BLOG: Unique Challenges for the Clinician Treating a Middle-Aged Eating Disorder Patient August 2, 2017 05:30

BOOK REVIEW: TuTu Thin: A Guide to Dancing without an Eating Disorder August 2, 2017 05:27

When we watch a graceful ballet with its willowy dancers, we don't usually think about the fierce effort needed to achieve such beauty. Dawn Smith-Theodore gives us a rare look behind the scenes at the complex relationship... [Read More]
Tutu Thin in Dance Magazine - Your Body Tips August 2, 2017 05:15

Tutu Thin in Dance Teacher Magazine - Win It! August 2, 2017 05:11

Gurze - Salucore - Eating Disorder Resource Catalogue August 2, 2017 04:53

Author Dawn Smith-Theodore, MA, MFT, CEDS, joined us to discuss her book, Tutu Thin: A Guide to Dancing Without an Eating Disorder. What follows are our questions in italics, and Dawn’s thoughtful responses. [READ MORE]
Episode 1 (Help Me Before I Die) August 2, 2017 04:50
Dawn Smith-Theodore shown treating a client with Anorexia Nervosa at the Eating Disorder Center of California where she is the Clinical Director. [VIDEO]
Episode 2 Part 1 (A High Price To Pay) August 2, 2017 04:44

Episode 2 Part 2 (A High Price To Pay) April 3, 2015 08:31
Tracey wants to help Suzanne, currently in jail for theft, continue her treatment while Lisa’s husband is ready to leave her if she doesn’t agree to get treatment for her anorexia. [Video]